Picking up the Pieces of Parkin
described in the Farrer paper (Farrer et al., 2001) is a partially active mutant as described in our Nature
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described in the Farrer paper (Farrer et al., 2001) is a partially active mutant as described in our Nature
June 2012. Preview by Warren et al., 2012 Raj et al., 2012 Zhou et al., 2012 Read a series of questions
deposition in APP mice, a result observed in three separate laboratories (see Patel et al., 2005 and Wang et
Indirect evidence is there. APP translation is regulated by iron (Rogers et al., 2002). Alexei Koudinov
(see Constantini et al., 2005) where we show that ceramide levels increase during aging in the brain of
See Harrison et al., 2003.] Stefan Lichtenthaler Gabrielle, this brings us to the question of
pharma picks them up for human translation (Prinz et al., 2011). Hyped coverage of such publications can
al., 2002; Grön et al., 2005; Chuah and Chee, 2008; FitzGerald et al., 2008). The Alzforum set out to
but not by apoptosis (we discussed this in Science/Nature several years ago, see Perry et al 1998 and
1998 May 11;3:a27-31. Abstract. 3. Chen M. The Alzheimer's plaques, tangles and memory deficits
do not efficiently repair the bulk of their genome (see, for example, Gobbel et al., 1998). Neurons
allele (Corder et al., 1998)! Objection: If pathogens cause AD, why don't we see AD brains full of
flow. (Editor’s note: see recent paper about connectivity data in young ApoE4 data: Filippini et al.,
Ashford, Soultanian, et al., 1999. We did not examine axons. However, this discussion seems to be focusing
a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It is also important to consider that dietary restriction
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